Monday, March 22, 2010

On the radio again

This time were invited to go to the radio to talk about the two visits we have completed, our visit to Greece and the last one to Germany. We took two of our students, Norbert and Abraham and had a good time chatting about the project.

The interview is, of course, in Catalan so unfortunately not many of you will understand it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Comenius Project on the radio

The other day I took Salomè and two of my students to the local radio station, Antena Caro. I had arranged with Paco Tafalla for him to do an interview with us about the project and the recent visit to Poland. This is the result.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Article on the council's webpage

The first piece of publicity that our Comenius Project has had has been through the web page of our local council, l'Ajuntament de Roquetes.

This small article appeared shortly after the project had its preparatory meeting here in Roquetes in January of 2008.

The original article can be seen by clicking here.

"Enguany, per primera vegada, l'IES Roquetes participa en un projecte Comenius; un projecte a nivell europeu, adreçat principalment a alumnes de 4t d'ESO i batxillerat.

Del 14 al 19 de gener, l'IES Roquetes va acollir una trobada dels representants dels països que hi participen per intercanviar i compartir diverses formes de funcionament i organització. Els països representants són Xipre, Grècia, Polònia, Suècia i Alemanya. El professor que representa a l'IES Roquetes és Huw Edwards-Westlake.

El projecte Comenius pretén que els joves coneguin les cultures d'altres països perquè en puguin veure les diferencies però també les coses que tenen en comú.

El temps que duri el projecte, els estudiants podran comunicar-se per Internet, i viatjar als altres països."